


如提,小弟我英文超爛,求以下2首歌中文翻譯歌詞,希望有人能幫我翻譯 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY3_lROd2bw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap7beWNF1N0 更新: ?a href="http://vbtrax.com/track/clicks/1748/c627c2bd9c0729def09cbd2e8d2b891473624ec970e9f0ab416db302630c">空中Θ蹋灰肎oogle翻


兩個片子加起來七分多鐘,翻起來字數一定超過,你分開成兩題可能還會有人幫你.若用skype口譯可以的話寫信到我信箱. 2013-12-11 07:19:34 補充: Through the gates of hell As we make our way to heaven 當我們行進天堂的道路上,我們先穿越了地獄的大門. Through the Nazi lines Primo victoria 穿越了納粹的防線,我們得到的最高的勝利. We've been training for years Now we're ready to strike 我們已經過多年的訓練,如今我們做好了攻擊的準備. As the great operation begins We're the first wave on the shore 當這偉大的行動開啟時,我們會是搶灘的第一波. We're the first ones to fall Yet soldiers have fallen before 我們將是陣亡的第一批,不過在此之前已有很多將士捐軀了. In the dawn they will pay With their lives as the price 黎明時刻來臨時他們將以生命做為補償的代價 History's written today In this burning inferno 在這烽火連天的戰場上,今日歷史將被改寫. Know that nothing remains As our forces advance on the beach 我們深知當我們的部隊前進後所過之處將無一倖免. Aiming for heaven though serving in hell Victory is ours their forces will fall 經過地獄般的掙扎,我們的目標就是天堂,勝利將屬於我方,敵人將崩潰. On the 6th of June 在1944年六月六日這天 On the shores of western Europe 1944 D-day upon us 在西歐的灘頭,D-day就在我們眼前. We've been here before Used to this kind of war 我們來過這裡,已經習慣這種征戰. Crossfire grind through the sand Our orders were easy 交叉火網穿越在沙灘上,我們的使命非常簡單 It's kill or be killed Blood on both sides will be spilled 那就是殺敵或陣亡,兩方的弟兄都要血洗灘頭. Now that we are at war With the axis again This time we know what will come 現在我們又與邪惡軸心交戰,但這次我們知道我們必勝. 6th of June 1944 Allies are turning the war 1944年的六月六日,聯軍正扭轉大戰的局勢 Normandy state of anarchy Overlord 諾曼第無政府軍人佔據混亂的局面.


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